First experiences are really traumatizing considering not knowing what to expect especially for an interview let alone a virtual one. With the COVID-19 pandemic accessing physical spaces and offices for interviews might already be a thing of the past.
Applying for internships is really just a part of the whole process and even getting the chance to be interviewed gets us anxious. This article is meant for wannabee interns on what they can do to ace the virtual interview.
When I received the email asking to be available for the virtual interview i was anxious on what to do. What questions do I expect, what’s the dress code, and why would they request for 1 hour for the interview? Such questions clouded my mind. They sent the zoom link and I had to get ready anyway how.
To my surprise it was a group interview! Upon joining through the link I found others already in the room and I felt relieved, at least we were many. However, there was no familiar face.
The moderator introduced himself and we were called upon to introduce ourselves. We were given topics to discuss as a team in twenty minutes and make a presentation in five minutes. Being picked as the first one to introduce yourself is so nerve wrecking , don’t panic. For the group interview be sure to select one person to jot down the points and present them. A stop watch should come in handy.
My take on the whole virtual interview is being confident enough to get out of your bubble. The panelists will get to ask you questions on the topic you discussed or the position you applied for at random. Time management when responding to questions really matters. What they are really after is teamwork and cooperation when given a task to carry out.
Going virtual really comes with the setting considerations. Before logging into the meeting ensure the room has adequate lighting, little noise and no interruptions from people. Be sure to smile a bit to liven the mood. Even in that tight room you are in you can make the best from it.
Doing prior research on the topics is an added advantage. Some panelists with some technical background could ask a question which might be your golden ticket to make it through as it sets you apart. Also be keen to answer the questions as instructed making every point as simple as it can get so that everyone can understand.
Be ready for the trivia questions!
Remember you are always being watched so long as your video and audio is on. Ensure to take part in the discussions and make your points be heard.
Your first impression really matters.
Others have made it and you are no exception. All the best of luck zooming your way into your next internship.